Patrol Officers
Full Time
John Conklin
Robert Montanaro
Dennis Marlatt
Adam Watt
Robert Reynolds Jr.
Justin Hall
Craig Dudas
Siara Rios
Anthony Galeno
Part Time
David Kurtz
Frank Pettine
Robert Doviken
Daniel Graham
Kevin Greany
Matthew Collins
Christopher Heimink
Kristopher Kolvenbach
Kyle Weiskittel
Tyler Briere
John Rader
Stuart Lloyd
David Delicio
Think you might be interested in working full-time for the Village of Walden Police Department? Check to see if there is a civil service exam scheduled. Civil Service Examinations
Want to work part-time? Print out this application, complete it (or fill it in online and then print it out), and then mail it to our department with your resume. Application (Adobe Reader required)