One Municipal Square
Walden, NY 12586
Phone: (845) 778-5595
Fax: (845) 778-2060
The Walden Village Police Department is a 24/7 operation that employs a full-time chief, full-time Sergeants, full-time Patrol Officers, a full-time Investigator and up to fifteen part-time Patrol Officers. Our village is approximately four square miles of mostly dense populated neighborhoods which we patrol with six marked patrol vehicles, two Raleigh F500 and two Cannondale Police bicycles. There is a foot-patrol that walks, or a bike-patrol that rides the Main Street area from 6:00PM until Midnight. There are three full-time and various part-time Dispatchers that operate our 24 hour a day communications area. The Village of Walden is located within the Town of Montgomery, County of Orange, approximately 60 miles North of New York City.
Do you live in the Town of Montgomery or any of the three Villages? If so, make sure to sign up for Code Red to be kept informed of emergencies and other general information.
Walden, New York, United States
20 Apr 1994
Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey